Job No.: TCS00975/18










CEDD Contract Agreement No. EDO/04/2018 -

Environmental Team for Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O










Monthly Environmental Monitoring & Auditing Report of the Project ¡V May 2020









Prepared For





Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)













Reference No.

Prepared By

Certified By

9 July 2020


My signature

Martin Li

(Environmental Consultant)

Tam Tak Wing

(Environmental Team Leader)






5 June 2020

First Submission


8 June 2020

Amended against IEC¡¦s comments


12 June 2020

Amended against IEC¡¦s comments


9 July 2020

Amended against IEC¡¦s comments



executive summary

ES01            Civil Engineering and Development Department (hereafter referred as ¡§CEDD¡¨) is the Project Proponent and the Permit Holder of the Project Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (hereinafter referred as ¡§the Project¡¨) which is a Designated Project to be implemented under Environmental Permit number EP-459/2013 (hereinafter referred as ¡§the EP-459/2013¡¨ or ¡§the EP¡¨).


ES02            AUES was awarded the CEDD Contract Agreement No. EDO/04/2018 - Environmental Team for Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (hereinafter called ¡§the Service Contract¡¨). The Services under the Service Contract is to provide environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) services for the Works Contracts pursuant to the requirement of Environmental Team (ET) under the Approved EM&A Manual to ensure that the environmental performance of the Works Contracts comply with the requirement specified in the EM&A Manual and EIA Report of Agreement No. CE 43/2008 (HY) Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O - Investigation and other relevant statutory requirements.


ES03            To facilitate management, the proposed Works of the project was divided into two Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) Works contracts included Contract 1 (Contract No. NE/2017/07) and Contract 2 (Contract No. NE/2017/08). The date for commencement of Contract 1 was 3rd December 2018 while the date for commencement of Contract 2 was 17th January 2019.


ES04            According to the Approved Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A) Manual, air quality, noise and water quality monitoring are required to be conducted during the construction phase of the Project.  As part of the EM&A programme, baseline monitoring shall undertake before the Project construction work commencement to determine the ambient environment condition. The baseline air quality, background noise and water quality monitoring has been carried out between 21st September 2018 and 13th November 2018 at the designated and interim locations.  The baseline monitoring report under the EP-459/2013 has been compiled by the ET and verified by Independent Environmental Checker (hereinafter the ¡§IEC¡¦) prior submitted to EPD on 19th November 2018 for endorsement.


ES05            This is the 18th Monthly EM&A report presenting the monitoring results and inspection findings for the reporting period from 1st to 31st May 2020 (hereinafter ¡¥the Reporting Period¡¦).


Construction works conducted at the reporting month

ES06            The major construction activities of Contract 1 (Contract No. NE/2017/07) undertaken in this Reporting Period are:-

Ÿ  Precast shell Installation at Portion II

Ÿ  1st and 2nd Stage of Pile caps concreting work at Portion II

Ÿ  Fabrication of bottom deck panels, top deck panels and diaphragm panels at Portion II

Ÿ  Fabrication of arch panel at Portion II

Ÿ  ABWF work at Portion V

Ÿ  E&M installation at Portion V


ES07            The major construction activities of Contract 2 (Contract No. NE/2017/08) undertaken in this Reporting Period are:-

Ÿ  Pre-bored Socket H-Pile (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Excavation (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Sheet Pilling (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Drainage Installation (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Footing construction(Portion VI)

Ÿ  Excavation & RC works (Superstructure) (Portion III)

Ÿ  Desilting works at 1800 drain pipe(Portion III)

Ÿ  Trimming Bored pile head (Portion VI)



Environmental Monitoring and Audit Activities

ES08            Environmental monitoring activities under the EM&A program in this Reporting Period are summarized in the following table. 


Table ES-4    Summary Environmental Monitoring Activities Undertaken in the Reporting Period


Environmental Monitoring Parameters / Inspection


Air Quality

1-Hour TSP


24-Hr TSP


Construction Noise

Leq (30min) Daytime


Leq (5min) Evening(Note 1)


Water Quality

Marine Water Sampling(Note 2) (Note 3)


Inspection / Audit

Contract 1

ET Regular Environmental Site Inspection


Joint site audit with Project Consultant and IEC


Contract 2

ET Regular Environmental Site Inspection


Joint site audit with Project Consultant and IEC


Note 1     Total sessions are counted by every 3 consecutive Leq5min

Note 2     Total sessions are counted by monitoring days

Note 3    Since the marine construction works that requires marine water quality monitoring as stated in the EM&A Manual were completed, the impact water quality monitoring was ceased with effect from 1 May 2020.


Breach of Action and Limit (A/L) Levels

ES09            No air quality monitoring exceedance was recorded in this Reporting Period. One (1) of evening construction noise action level and three (3) sessions of evening construction noise monitoring limit level exceedances were recorded in this Reporting Period. NOEs were issued to notify EPD, IEC, the Contractor and the Project Consultant. The statistics of environmental exceedance and investigation of exceedance are summarized in the following table.

Table ES-5    Summary Environmental Monitoring Parameter Exceedance in the Reporting Period

Environmental Issues

Monitoring Parameters

Action Level

Limit Level

Event & Action

Investigation Results

Corrective Actions

Air Quality

1-Hour TSP





24-Hr TSP





Construction Noise

Leq30min Daytime





Leq5min Evening



Not project related


Water Quality (Marine Water)

















ES10            For the evening construction noise monitoring, three (3) exceedances were recorded in the reporting period. Investigations were carried out and it was considered that the exceedances recorded are unlikely caused by the Project.


Environmental Complaint            

ES11            One (1) environmental complaint was recorded in this Reporting Period for the Project.  The statistics of environmental complaint are summarized in the following table.


Table ES-6    Summary Environmental Complaint Records in the Reporting Period

Reporting Period


Environmental Complaint Statistics

Related with the Works Contract(s)



Complaint Nature

1 ¡V 31 May 2020












Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

ES12            No environmental summons or prosecutions was received in this Reporting Period for the Project.  The statistics of environmental summons or prosecutions are summarized in the following tables.

Table ES-7    Summary Environmental Summons Records in the Reporting Period

Reporting Period


Environmental Summons Statistics

Related with the Works Contract(s)



Complaint Nature

1 ¡V 31 May 2020












Table ES-8    Summary Environmental Prosecutions Records in the Reporting Period

Reporting Period


Environmental Prosecution Statistics

Related with the Works Contract(s)



Complaint Nature

1 ¡V 31 May 2020












Reporting Change

ES13            There is no reporting change made for this monthly report.


Site Inspection by External Parties

ES14            No site inspection was undertaken by AFCD within the Reporting Period. EPD inspection was undertaken on 11, 13 and 28 May 2020.


Future Key Issues

ES15            Due to wet season has begun in Hong Kong, the Contractor was reminded that all the works being undertaken must fulfill environmental statutory requirements and to paid attention to water quality mitigation measures to prevent surface runoff into nearby water bodies or public areas.


ES16            Construction noise would be the key environmental issue as Lohas Park Phase 4 was already available for resident occupation. The noise mitigation measures such as use of quiet plants and installation of temporary noise barrier at the construction noise predominate area should be fully implemented in accordance with the EM&A requirement.






Table of Contents

1.    Introduction   3

1.1            Project Background   3

1.2            Report Structure  3

2.    Project Organization and Construction progress and Submission   5

2.1            Project Organization   5

2.2            Construction Progress  6

2.3            Summary of Environmental Submissions  7

3.    Summary of Environmental Monitoring Programmes and Requirements  9

3.1            General  9

3.2            Monitoring Parameters  9

3.3            Monitoring Locations  9

3.4            Monitoring Frequency and Period   10

3.5            Monitoring Equipment  11

3.6            Monitoring Procedures  12

3.7            Determination of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels  15

3.8            Data Management and Data QA/QC Control  17

4.    Air Quality Monitoring   18

4.1            General  18

4.2            Results of Air Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Month   18

5.    Construction Noise Monitoring   19

5.1            General  19

5.2            Results of Noise Monitoring   19

6.    Water Quality Monitoring   21

6.1            General  21

7.    Waste Management   22

7.1            General Waste Management  22

7.2            Records of Waste Quantities  22

8.    Site Inspection   23

8.1            Requirements  23

8.2            Findings / Deficiencies During the Reporting Month   23

8.3            Implementation Status of Surface Runoff Mitigation Measures During the Reporting Month   24

9.    Landfill Gas Monitoring   25

9.1            General Requirement  25

9.2            Limit Levels and Event and Action Plan   25

9.3            Landfill Gas Monitoring   25

10.  Environmental Complaint and Non-Compliance   27

10.1          Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution   27

11.  Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures  28

11.1          General Requirements  28

11.2          Tentative Construction Activities in the Coming Month   28

11.3          Impact Forecast  29

12.  Conclusions and Recommendations  30

12.1          Conclusions  30

12.2          Recommendations  30




List of TABLES

Table 2-1           Documents Submission under Environmental Permit Requirement

Table 2-2           Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits of the Project Works (Contract 1)

Table 2-3          Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits of the Project Works (Contract 2)

Table 3-1           Summary of EM&A Requirements

Table 3-2           Designated Air Quality Monitoring Location recommended in EM&A Manual

Table 3-3           Designated Construction Noise Monitoring Location recommended in EM&A Manual

Table 3-4           Designated and interim alternative location for air quality and noise monitoring in the Reporting Period

Table 3-5           Location of Water Quality Monitoring Station

Table 3-6           Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-7           Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-8           Water Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-9           Testing Method and Reporting Limit of the Chemical Analysis

Table 3-10         Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality

Table 3-11         Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Table 3-12         Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality

Table 4-1           1-Hour and 24-Hour TSP Air Quality Impact Monitoring results

Table 5-1           Daytime Construction Noise Impact Monitoring results at CNMS-1

Table 5-2           Daytime Construction Noise Impact Monitoring results at CNMS-5

Table 5-3           Evening Construction Noise Impact Monitoring results at CNMS-1

Table 5-4           Evening Construction Noise Impact Monitoring results at CNMS-5

Table 7-1           Summary of Quantities of Inert C&D Materials

Table 7-2           Summary of Quantities of C&D Wastes

Table 8-1           Site Observations of Contract 1

Table 8-2           Site Observations of Contract 1

Table 9-1           Actions in the Event of Landfill Gas Being Detected in Excavations

Table 9-2           Summary of Landfill Gas Measurement Results

Table 10-1         Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Table 10-2         Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Table 10-3         Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution

Table 11-1         Environmental Mitigation Measures in the Reporting Month


List of Appendices

Appendix A       Project Layout Plan

Appendix B       Project Organization Chart & Contact Details of Key Personnel

Appendix C       3-Month Rolling Construction Program

Appendix D       Monitoring Location (Air Quality, Noise and Water Quality)

Appendix E       Event and Action Plan

Appendix F       Impact Monitoring Schedule of the Reporting Month and Coming Month

Appendix G       Calibration Certificates of Equipment and the Accreditation Laboratory Certificate

Appendix H      Database of Monitoring Results

Appendix I        Graphical plots of Monitoring Results

Appendix J        Meteorological Data

Appendix K       Waste Flow Table

Appendix L       Implementation Record of Water Mitigation Measures in the Reporting Month

Appendix M      Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (ISEMM)





1.           Introduction

1.1                   Project Background


1.1.1             Civil Engineering and Development Department (hereafter referred as ¡§CEDD¡¨) is the Project Proponent and the Permit Holder of the Project Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (hereinafter referred as ¡§the Project¡¨) which is a Designated Project to be implemented under Environmental Permit number EP-459/2013 (hereinafter referred as ¡§the EP-459/2013¡¨ or ¡§the EP¡¨).


1.1.2             AUES was awarded the CEDD Contract Agreement No. EDO/04/2018 - Environmental Team for Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (hereinafter called ¡§the Service Contract¡¨). The Services under the Service Contract is to provide environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) services for the Works Contracts pursuant to the requirement of Environmental Team (ET) under the Approved EM&A Manual to ensure that the environmental performance of the Works Contracts comply with the requirement specified in the EM&A Manual and EIA Report of Agreement No. CE 43/2008 (HY) Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O - Investigation and other relevant statutory requirements.


1.1.3             To facilitate management, the proposed Works of Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (hereinafter called ¡§the Project¡¦) was divided into two Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) Works contracts included Contract 1 (Contract No. NE/2017/07) and Contract 2 (Contract No. NE/2017/08). The details of each contract Works are summarized below and the delineation of each contract is shown in Appendix A.

Contract 1 (Contract No. NE/2017/07)

(i)            400m section of marine viaducts of steel deck sections including the Eternal Arch Bridge;

(ii)          600m section of marine viaducts of concrete deck sections;

(iii)        An E&M Plantroom and associated building services; and

(iv)        E&M provisions.

Contract 2 (Contract No. NE/2017/08)

(i)            Elevated deck structures along Road D9;

(ii)          A 210m section of cycle track and footpath ramp bridge;

(iii)        A 630m section of noise semi-enclosure covering the entire length of Road D9, and;

(iv)        Lift, staircase, modification of existing seawall along Road D9, landscaping and miscellaneous works.


1.1.4             The date for commencement of Contract 1 is 3rd December 2018 while the date for commencement of Contract 2 is 17th January 2019.


1.1.5             As part of the EM&A programme, baseline monitoring shall be undertaken before the Project construction work commencement to determine the ambient environmental condition. The baseline air quality, background noise and water quality monitoring has been carried out between 21st September 2018 and 13th November 2018 at the designated and interim locations.  The baseline monitoring report under the EP-459/2013 has been compiled by the ET and verified by Independent Environmental Checker (hereinafter the ¡§IEC¡¦) prior submitted to EPD on 19th November 2018 for endorsement.


1.1.6             This is the 18th Monthly EM&A report presenting the monitoring results and inspection findings for the reporting period from 1st to 31st May 2020 (hereinafter ¡¥the Reporting Period¡¦).


1.2                   Report Structure

1.2.1             The Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Monthly Report is structured into the following sections:-

Section 1


Section 2

Project Organization and Construction Progress

Section 3

Summary of Impact Monitoring Requirements

Section 4

Air Quality Monitoring

Section 5

Construction Noise Monitoring

Section 6

Water Quality Monitoring

Section 7

Waste Management

Section 8

Site Inspections

Section 9

Landfill Gas Monitoring

Section 10

Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliance

Section 11

Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

Section 12

Conclusions and Recommendations


2.           Project Organization and Construction progress and Submission

2.1                   Project Organization

2.1.1             The project organization is shown in Appendix B.  The responsibilities of respective parties are:


The Project Consultant

2.1.2             The Project Consultant (hereinafter ¡§the Consultant¡¨) is responsible for overseeing the construction works and for ensuring that the works are undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with the specification and contract requirements. The duties and responsibilities of the Consultant with respect to EM&A are:

¡P                Monitor the Contractors¡¦ compliance with contract specifications, including the implementation and operation of the environmental mitigation measures and their effectiveness

¡P                Monitor Contractors¡¦, ET¡¦s and IEC¡¦s compliance with the requirements in the Environmental Permit (EP) and EM&A Manual

¡P                Facilitate ET¡¦s implementation of the EM&A programme

¡P                Participate in joint site inspection by the ET and IEC

¡P                Oversee the implementation of the agreed Event / Action Plan in the event of any exceedance

¡P                Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation


The Contractor(s) of Works Contract(s)

2.1.3                 There will be one contractor for each individual works contract.  The Contractor(s) should report to the Consultant.  The duties and responsibilities of the Contractor are:

¡P           Comply with the relevant contract conditions and specifications on environmental protection

¡P           Participate in the site inspections by the ET and IEC, and undertake any corrective actions

¡P           Provide information / advice to the ET regarding works programme and activities which may contribute to the generation of adverse environmental impacts

¡P           Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event / Action Plans

¡P           Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit levels are exceeded

¡P           Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation


Environmental Team (ET)

2.1.4                 ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor(s) and employed by the Permit Holder (i.e., CEDD) to conduct the EM&A programme.  The ET should be managed by the ET Leader. The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years¡¦ experience in EM&A and has relevant professional qualifications. Suitable qualified staff should be included in the ET, and resources for the implementation of the EM&A programme should be allocated in time under the Contract(s), to enable fulfillment of the Project¡¦s EM&A requirements as specified in the EM&A Manual during construction of the Project.  ET shall report to the Project Proponent and the duties shall include:

¡P           Conduct baseline monitoring, impact monitoring and post-construction monitoring and the associated in-situ and laboratory tests to monitor various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual and the EP

¡P           Analyze the environmental monitoring and audit data, review the success of EM&A programme and the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented, confirm the validity of the EIA predictions and identify any adverse environmental impacts arising

¡P           Carry out regular site inspection to investigate and audit the Contractors¡¦ site practice, equipment/plant and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation, and effect proactive action to pre-empt problems

¡P           Monitor compliance with conditions in the EP, environmental protection, pollution prevention and control regulations and contract specifications

¡P           Audit environmental conditions on site

¡P           Report on the environmental monitoring and audit results to EPD, the Consultant, the IEC and Contractor(s) or their delegated representatives

¡P           Recommend suitable mitigation measures to the Contractor in the case of exceedance of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans

¡P           Liaise with the IEC on all environmental performance matters and timely submit all relevant EM&A proforma for approval by IEC

¡P           Advise the Contractor(s) on environmental improvement, awareness, enhancement measures etc., on site

¡P           Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation

¡P           Set up a dedicated web site where the project information, all environmental monitoring and audit data and reports described in Condition 5.2 of the EP, and all finalized submissions and plans required under the EP are to be placed for public inspection

¡P           Upload the environmental monitoring results to the dedicated web site in accordance with requirements of the EP and EM&A Manual

¡P           To carry out the Operational Phase Landfill Gas monitoring during effluent drainage system maintenance for one year


Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

2.1.5                 IEC will be employed for this Project.  The Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) should not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor(s) or the ET for the Project.  The IEC should be employed by the Permit Holder (i.e., CEDD) prior to the commencement of the construction of the Project.  The IEC should have at least 7 years¡¦ experience in EM&A and have relevant professional qualifications.  The duty of IEC should be:

¡P           Provide proactive advice to the Project Consultant and the Project Proponent on EM&A matters related to the project, independent from the management of construction works, but empowered to audit the environmental performance of construction

¡P           Review and audit all aspects of the EM&A programme implemented by the ET

¡P           Review and verify the monitoring data and all submissions in connection with the EP and EM&A Manual submitted by the ET

¡P           Arrange and conduct regular, at least monthly site inspections of the works during construction phase, and ad hoc inspections if significant environmental problems are identified

¡P           Check compliance with the agreed Event / Action Plan in the event of any exceedance

¡P           Check compliance with the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation

¡P           Check the effectiveness of corrective measures

¡P           Feedback audit results to ET by signing off relevant EM&A proforma

¡P           Check that the mitigation measures are effectively implemented

¡P           Report the works conducted, the findings, recommendation and improvement of the site inspections, after reviewing ET¡¦s and Contractor¡¦s works, and advices to the Project Consultant and Project Proponent on a monthly basis


2.2                   Construction Progress

2.2.1             3-month rolling construction program of the each Works Contract is enclosed in Appendix C; and the major construction activities undertaken in the Reporting Period is presented in below sub-sections.

Contract 1 (Contract No. NE/2017/07)

2.2.2             The major construction activities of Contract 1 undertaken in this Reporting Period are:-

Ÿ  Precast shell Installation at Portion II

Ÿ  1st and 2nd Stage of Pile caps concreting work at Portion II

Ÿ  Fabrication of bottom deck panels, top deck panels and diaphragm panels at Portion II

Ÿ  Fabrication of arch panel at Portion II

Ÿ  ABWF work at Portion V

Ÿ  E&M installation at Portion V


Contract 2 (Contract No. NE/2017/08)

2.2.3             The major construction activities of Contract 2 undertaken in this Reporting Period are:-

Ÿ  Pre-bored Socket H-Pile (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Excavation (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Sheet Pilling (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Drainage Installation (Portion VI)

Ÿ  Footing construction(Portion VI)

Ÿ  Excavation & RC works (Superstructure) (Portion III)

Ÿ  Desilting works at 1800 drain pipe(Portion III)

Ÿ  Trimming Bored pile head (Portion VI)


2.3                   Summary of Environmental Submissions

2.3.1             The required documents list below shall be to submit to EPD for retention:

Table 2-1      Documents Submission under Environmental Permit Requirement

EP condition

Submission to EPD




Commencement date of construction of the Project

no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  Contract 1 notified EPD on 19 Oct 2018

Ÿ  Contract 2 notified EPD on 12 Dec 2018


The date of setting up the Community Liaison Group (CLG), the membership, the terms of reference and the contact details

At least 1 month before the commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  CLG setting has submitted to EPD  on 9 Oct 2018



Management Organization of Main Construction Companies

No later than 2 weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  Management Organization of Contract 1 was submitted to EPD on 2 October 2018

Ÿ  Management Organization of Contract 2 was submitted to EPD on 12 December 2018


Waste Management Plan (WMP)

No later than 1 month before commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  WMP of Contract 1 was submitted to EPD in 11 October 2018

Ÿ  WMP of Contract 2 was submitted to EPD in 14 December 2018


Landscape Mitigation Plan (LSMP)

No later than 1 month before commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  LSMP was submitted on 1 Nov 2018


Detailed Qualitative Landfill Gas Hazards Assessment (QLGHA)

No later than 1 month before commencement of construction of the Project

Ÿ  QLGHA of the Project was submitted to EPD on 1 November 2018


2.3.2             Upon completed baseline monitoring, a Baseline Monitoring Report was verified by IEC on 19 November 2018 and submitted to EPD on that day for endorsement.


2.3.3             The notification of Project dedicated web site to EPD was made on 9 January 2019 (


2.3.4             Summary of the relevant permits, licenses, and/or notifications on environmental protection for the Project are presented in Table 2-2.


Table 2-2 Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits of the Project Works (Contract 1)



License/Permit Status

Permit no./ Account no./ Ref. no.

Valid Period





Notification pursuant to Air pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation




Notified on 11 July 2018


Chemical Waste Producer Registration


28 Aug 2018




Water Pollution Control Ordinance - Discharge License


1 Mar 2019

31 Mar 2024

Valid until 31 March 2024


15 Jul 2019

31 Jul 2024

Valid until 31 July 2024


Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste


24 Jul 2018




Construction Noise Permit


7 May 2020

27 Oct 2020

Valid until 27 Oct 2020

Remark: Evening work was scheduled on 7- 9 and 25 - 30 May 2020 for Contract 1


Table 2-3 Status of Environmental Licenses and Permits of the Project Works (Contract 2)



License/Permit Status

Permit no./ Account no./ Ref. no.

Valid Period





Notification pursuant to Air pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation




Notified on 31 October 2018


Chemical Waste Producer Registration


22 Nov 2018




Water Pollution Control Ordinance - Discharge License


8 Jul 2019

31 Jul 2024

Valid until 31 July 2024


Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste


8 Nov 2018




Construction Noise Permit


23 Dec 2019

1 Jun 2020

Valid until 1 Jun 2020

Remark: No evening work and night work was carried out for Contract 2

3.           Summary of Environmental Monitoring Programmes and Requirements

3.1                   General

3.1.1             The Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programmes and requirements are set out in the Approved EM&A manual.  Environmental issues such as air quality, construction noise and water quality were identified as the key issues during the construction phase of the Project.  A summary of EM&A programmes and requirements are presented in the sub-sections below.


3.2                   Monitoring Parameters

3.2.1             Monitoring parameters of air quality, noise and water quality are summarized in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1      Summary of EM&A Requirements

Environmental Issue


Air Quality

Ÿ  1-hour TSP by Real-Time Portable Dust Meter; and

Ÿ  24-hour TSP by High Volume Air Sampler


Ÿ  Leq (30min) in six consecutive Leq(5 min) between 07:00-19:00 on normal weekdays

Ÿ  Supplementary information for data auditing, statistical results such as L10 and L90 shall also be obtained for reference.

Water Quality

Ÿ  In-situ measurement ¡V Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration (mg/L) & saturation (%), pH, Salinity (mg/L), Temperature (ºC) and Turbidity (NTU); and

Ÿ  Laboratory analysis ¡V SS (mg/L)


3.3                   Monitoring Locations

Air Quality and Construction Noise

3.3.1             According to the Approved EM&A Manual Section 5.4 and Section 6.3, three (3) representative air sensitive receivers (ASR) and four (4) representative noise sensitive receivers were designated as monitoring stations.  The designated air quality and noise monitoring locations are listed in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3, and illustrated in Appendix D.

Table 3-2      Designated Air Quality Monitoring Location recommended in EM&A Manual


Location in the EM&A Manual

Currently Situation


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Aided Primary School & Secondary School

Not yet construct


Lohas Park Stage 2 (Planned Development in Area 86)

Under Construction


Lohas Park Stage 3 (Planned Development in Area 86)

Under Construction


Table 3-3      Designated Construction Noise Monitoring Location recommended by EM&A Manual



Currently Situation


Lohas Park Stage 1(Planned Development in Area 86, Package 4) (Southeast facade)

Available for resident occupation in November 2019


Lohas Park Stage 1 (Planned Development in Area 86, Package 6) (Southeast facade)

Under Construction


Lohas Park Stage 3 (Planned Development in Area 86,Package 11) (West facade)

Under Construction


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Aided Primary School & Secondary School (Southwest facade)

Not yet construct


3.3.2             As observed and confirmed by ET and IEC during the joint site visit on 29th August 2018, the designated air quality and noise monitoring locations are under construction or yet to construct. It is considered that these designated locations are not appropriate to perform air quality and noise monitoring. In this regard, alternative locations were proposed as interim arrangement to carry out air quality and noise monitoring before occupation of the designated monitoring location. A letter enclosed with the alternative location proposal and IEC verification (Our Ref: TCS00975/18/300/L0038) was sent to EPD on 19th October 2018 and the proposal was agreed by EPD. Therefore, air quality and construction noise impact monitoring would be performed at the agreed alternative locations until the designated sensitive receivers occupied and granted the premises. 


3.3.3             The designated and interim alternative monitoring location for impact air quality and noise monitoring in the Reporting Period are summarized in Table 3-4 and illustrated in Appendix D.


Table 3-4      Designated and interim alternative location for air quality and noise monitoring in the Reporting Period

Location ID

Monitoring Parameter



1-Hour TSP Air Quality

Podium of Lohas Park Phase 2A (Le Prestige)


24-Hour TSP Air Quality

Boundary of Site Office near Junction of Wan Po Road and Wan O Road


Noise (Leq, L10 & L90)

Podium of Lohas Park Package 4


Noise (Leq, L10 & L90)

Podium of Lohas Park Phase 2A (Le Prestige)

               Remark: Since 24-Hour TSP Air Quality monitoring is not granted at AM4 Lohas Park Phase 2A, the 24-Hour TSP monitoring was therefore proposed at AM5 which is located at the boundary of the project site office.


Water Quality

3.3.4             According to Table 7.1 of the approved EM&A Manual Section 7.4, two Control Stations (C3 & C4), six (6) sensitive receivers (CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC13 & SWI1) and one (1) Gradient station (I1) are recommended to perform water quality monitoring.  Details and coordinate of these water quality monitoring stations are described in Table 3-5 and the locations is shown in Appendix D.

Table 3-5      Location of Water Quality Monitoring Station









Sensitive Receiver ¡V Coral Sites at Chiu Keng Wan




Sensitive Receiver ¡V Coral Sites at Junk Bay




Sensitive Receiver ¡V Coral Sites at Junk Island




Sensitive Receiver ¡V Coral Sites at Fat Tong Chau West




Sensitive Receiver ¡V Coral Sites at Junk Bay near Chiu Keng Wan




Sensitive Receiver ¡V Tseung Kwan O Salt Water Intake




Control Station (Ebb Tide) ¡V within Junk Bay




Control Station (Flood Tide) ¡V within Junk Bay




Gradient Station ¡V in between Lam Tin Tunnel (LTT) and CBL


3.4                   Monitoring Frequency and Period

3.4.1             To according with the approved EM&A Manual, impact monitoring requirements are presented as follows.


Air Quality Monitoring

3.4.2             Air quality impact monitoring frequency is as follows:

Ÿ   Once every 6 days of 24-hour TSP and 3 times of 1-hour TSP monitoring; during course of works throughout the construction period


Construction Noise Monitoring

3.4.3             Construction noise monitoring frequency is as follows:

Ÿ   One set of Leq(30min) measurements in a weekly basis between 07:00 and 19:00 hours on normal weekdays during course of works as throughout the construction period

Ÿ   If construction works are extended to include works during the hours of 1900-0700, additional weekly impact monitoring shall be carried out during evening and night-time works. Applicable permits under the NCO shall be obtained by the Contractor.



Water Quality (Marine Water) Monitoring

3.4.4             Marine water impact monitoring frequency is as follows:

Ÿ   Three days a week, at mid ebb and mid flood tides during course of pile excavation works for the bridge pier foundations underway.  Moreover, the intervals between 2 consecutive sets of monitoring day shall not be less than 36 hours.


3.5                   Monitoring Equipment

Air Quality Monitoring

3.5.1             The 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.  If the ET proposes to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, it shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to prove that the instrument is capable of achieving a comparable results to the HVS.  The instrument should be calibrated regularly, and the 1-hour sampling shall be determined on yearly basis by the HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method. The filter paper of 24-hour TSP measurement shall be determined by HOKLAS accredited laboratory.  The equipment used for air quality monitoring is listed in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6      Air Quality Monitoring Equipment



24-hour TSP

High Volume Air Sampler

TISCH High Volume Air Sampler, HVS Model TE-5170

Calibration Kit

TISCH Model TE-5025A (S/N: 1612)

1- hour TSP

Portable Dust Meter

Laser Dust Monitor Sibata LD-3B Laser Dust Monitor (S/N: 2X6145)


Noise Monitoring

3.5.2             Sound level meter in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be used for carrying out the noise monitoring.  The sound level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator.  The wind speed shall be checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in ms-1. Noise equipment will be used for impact monitoring is listed in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7      Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment



Integrating Sound Level Meter

B&K 2238 (S/N: 2285762), Rion NL-52 ( S/N:00464681)


Rion NC-74 (S/N:34657231)

Portable Wind Speed Indicator

Anemometer AZ Instrument 8908


Water Quality Monitoring

3.5.3             For water quality monitoring, the equipment should fulfill the requirement under the Approved EM&A Manual Section 7.2.  The requirement is summarized below:

            Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Measuring Equipment ¡V The instrument should be a portable, weatherproof dissolved oxygen measuring instrument completed with cable, sensor, comprehensive operation manuals, and should be operable from a DC power source. It should be capable of measuring: dissolved oxygen levels in the range of 0-20 mg/L and 0-200% saturation; and a temperature of 0-45 degrees Celsius. It should have a membrane electrode with automatic temperature compensation complete with a cable of not less than 35 m in length. Sufficient stocks of spare electrodes and cable should be available for replacement where necessary.

            Turbidity Measurement Equipment ¡V The instrument shall be a portable, weatherproof turbidity-measuring instrument complete with comprehensive operation manual. The equipment shall use a DC power source. It shall have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity between 0-1000 NTU.

            Salinity Measurement Instrument ¡V A portable salinometer capable of measuring salinity in the range of 0-40 ppt should be provided for measuring salinity of the water at each monitoring location.

            Water Depth Detector ¡V A portable, battery-operated echo sounder should be used for the determination of water depth at each designated monitoring station. A detector affixed to the bottom of the works boat, if the same vessel is to be used throughout the monitoring programme, is preferred.

            Positioning Device ¡V hand-held or boat-fixed type digital Global Positioning System (GPS) with way point bearing indication or other equipment instrument of similar accuracy, should be provided and used during water quality monitoring to ensure the monitoring vessel is at the correct location before taking measurements.

            Water Sampling Equipment ¡V A water sampler, consisting of a transparent PVC or glass cylinder of not less than two liters, which can be effectively sealed with cups at both ends, should be used. The water sampler should have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth.


3.5.4             Equipment used for water quality impact monitoring is listed in Table 3-8.

Table 3-8      Water Monitoring Equipment



A Digital Global Positioning System

GPS12 Garmin

Water Depth Detector

Eagle Sonar CUDA 300

Water Sampler

A 2-litre transparent PVC cylinder with latex cups at both ends

Thermometer & DO meter

YSI ProDSS Digital Sampling System Water Quality Meter

pH meter



Sample Container

High density polythene bottles (provided by laboratory)

Storage Container

¡¥Willow¡¦ 33-litter plastic cool box with Ice pad


3.6                   Monitoring Procedures

Air Quality

1-hour TSP

3.6.1             The 1-hour TSP monitor was a brand named ¡§Sibata LD-3 Laser Dust monitor Particle Mass Profiler & Counter¡¨ which is a portable, battery-operated laser photometer.  The 1-hour TSP meter provides a real time 1-hour TSP measurement based on 90o light scattering.  The 1-hour TSP monitor consists of the following:

(a.)         A pump to draw sample aerosol through the optic chamber where TSP is measured;

(b.)        A sheath air system to isolate the aerosol in the chamber to keep the optics clean for maximum reliability; and

(c.)         A built-in data logger compatible with Windows based program to facilitate data collection, analysis and reporting.


24-hour TSP

3.6.2             The equipment used for 24-hour TSP measurement is TISCH, Model TE-5170 TSP High Volume Air Sampler, which complied with EPA Code of Federal Regulation, Appendix B to Part 50. The High Volume Air Sampler (HVS) consists of the following:

(a.)             An anodized aluminum shelter;

(b.)             A 8¡¨x10¡¨ stainless steel filter holder;

(c.)             A blower motor assembly;    

(d.)             A continuous flow/pressure recorder;

(e.)             A motor speed-voltage control/elapsed time indicator;

(f.)              A 7-day mechanical timer, and

(g.)             A power supply of 220v/50 Hz


3.6.3                 For HVS for 24-hour TSP monitoring, the HVS is mounted in a metallic cage with a top for protection and also it is sat on the existing ground or the roof of building.  The flow rate of the HVS between 0.6m3/min and 1.7m3/min will be properly set in accordance with the manufacturer¡¦s instruction to within the range recommended in EPA Code of Federal Regulation, Appendix B to Part 50.  Glass Fiber Filter 8" x 10" of TE-653 will be used for 24-Hour TSP monitoring and would be supplied by laboratory.  The general procedures of sampling are described as below:-

Ÿ A horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samples against gusty wind should be provided;

Ÿ No two samplers should be placed less than 2 meters apart;

Ÿ The distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as building, must be at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sample;

Ÿ A minimum of 2 meters of separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;

Ÿ Before placing any filter media at the HVS, the power supply will be checked to ensure the sampler work properly;

Ÿ The filter paper will be set to align on the screen of HVS to ensure that the gasket formed an air tight seal on the outer edges of the filter.  Then filter holder frame will be tightened to the filter hold with swing bolts.  The holding pressure should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edge.

Ÿ The mechanical timer will be set for a sampling period of 24 hours (00:00 mid-night to 00:00 mid-night next day).  Information will be recorded on the field data sheet, which would be included the sampling data, starting time, the weather condition at current and the filter paper ID with the initial weight;

Ÿ After sampling, the filter paper will be collected and transfer from the filter holder of the HVS to a sealed envelope and sent to a local HOKLAS accredited laboratory for quantifying.


3.6.4             All the sampled 24-hour TSP filters will be kept in normal air conditioned room conditions, i.e. 70% HR (Relative Humidity) and 25oC, for six months prior to disposal.


3.6.5             The HVS used for 24-hour TSP monitoring will be calibrated in two months interval for in accordance with the manufacturer¡¦s instruction using the NIST-certified standard calibrator (Tisch Calibration Kit Model TE-5025A) to establish a relationship between the follow recorder meter reading in cfm (cubic feet per minute) and the standard flow rate, Qstd, in m3/min.  Motor brushes of HVS will be regularly replaced.  The calibration certificates of the air quality monitoring equipment used for the impact monitoring and the HOKLAS accredited certificate of laboratory was provided in Appendix G.


Noise Monitoring

3.6.6             As referred to in the Technical Memorandum (TM) issued under the NCO, sound level meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be used for carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the calibration levels from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.


3.6.7             All noise measurements will be performed with the meter set to FAST response and on the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq).  Leq(30 min) in six consecutive Leq(5 min) measurements will be used as the monitoring parameter for the time period between 07:00-19:00 hours on weekdays throughout the construction period.


3.6.8             The sound level meter will be mounted on a tripod at a height of 1.2 m and placed at the assessment point and oriented such that the microphone is pointed to the site with the microphone facing perpendicular to the line of sight. The windshield will be fitted for all measurements. Where a measurement is to be carried out at a building, the assessment point would normally be at a position 1 m from the exterior of the building façade. Where a measurement is to be made for noise being received at a place other than a building, the assessment point would be at a position 1.2 m above the ground in a free-field situation, i.e. at least 3.5 m away from reflective surfaces such as adjacent buildings or walls.


3.6.9             Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter will be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency.  Measurements will be accepted as valid only if the calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within 1.0 dB.


3.6.10         Noise measurements will not be made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding 5m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10m/s. The wind speed will be checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s.


3.6.11         The sound level meter and calibrator are calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or any other international accreditation scheme at yearly basis.  The calibration certificates of noise monitoring equipment used for the impact monitoring was provided in Appendix G.


Marine Water Quality

3.6.12         Marine water quality monitoring would be conducted at all designated locations in accordance with Table 7.1 of the approved EM&A Manual. The procedures of water sampling, in-situ measurement and chemical analysis are described as below:

Ÿ  A Global Positioning System (GPS) will be used to ensure that the correct location was selected prior to sample collection.  A portable, battery-operated echo sounder was used for the determination of water depth at each designated monitoring station.

Ÿ  The marine water sampler will be lowered into the water body at a predetermined depth. The trigger system of the sampler is activated with a messenger and opening ends of the sampler are closed accordingly then the sample of water is collected.

Ÿ  During the sampling, the sampling container will be rinsed to use a portion of the marine water sample before the water sample is transferred to the container.  Upon sampling completion, the container will be sealed with a screw cap.

Ÿ  Before the sampling process, general information such as the date and time of sampling, weather condition and tidal condition as well as the personnel responsible for the monitoring will be recorded on the monitoring field data sheet.

Ÿ  In-situ measurement including water temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH and water depth will be recorded at the identified monitoring station and depth.  At each station, marine water samples will be collected at three depths: 1m below water surface, 1m above sea bottom and at mid-depth when the water depth exceeds 6m.  Samples at 1m below water surface and 1m above sea bottom will be collected when the water depth is between 3m and 6m.  And sample at mid-depth will be taken when the water depth is below 3m.

Ÿ  For the in-situ measurement, two consecutive measurements of sampling depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity and pH concentration will be measured at the sea. The YSI ProDSS Multifunctional Meter will be retrieved out of the water after the first measurement and then re-deployed for the second measurement.  Where the difference in the value between the first and second readings of each set is more than 25% of the value of the first reading, the reading is discarded and further readings is taken.

Ÿ  Marine water sample will be collected by using a water sampler. The high-density polythene bottles will be filled after the water sample collected from the sea.  Before the water sample being fills into the sampling bottles, the sampling bottles will be pre-rinsed with the same water sample.  The sampling bottles will then be packed in cool-boxes (cooled at 4OC without being frozen), and delivered to HOKLAS accredited laboratory for the chemical analysis as followed APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 19ed 2540D, unless otherwise specified.



3.6.13         Before each round of monitoring, the dissolved oxygen probe will be calibrated by wet bulb method; a zero check in distilled water will be performed with the turbidity and salinity probes. The turbidity probe also will be checked with a standard solution of known NTU and known value of the pH standard solution were used to check the accuracy of pH value before each monitoring day.  Moreover, all in-situ measurement equipment used marine water monitoring will be calibrated at three months interval.


Laboratory Analysis

3.6.14         All water samples included the duplicate samples, was tested with chemical analysis as specified in the EM&A Manual by a HOKALS accredited laboratory - ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd.  The chemicals analysis method and reporting limit show Table 3-9.


Table 3-9      Testing Method and Reporting Limit of the Chemical Analysis


ALS Method Code

In-house Method Reference (1)

Reporting Limit

Total Suspended Solids


APHA 2540D

1 mg/L


1.              The exact method shall depend on the laboratory accredited method. APHA = Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater by the American Public Health Association.


3.6.15         The determination works will start within 24 hours after collection of the water samples or within the holding time as advised by the laboratory.


Meteorological Information

3.6.16         The meteorological information including wind direction, wind speed, humidity and temperature etc. of impact monitoring is extracted from the closest Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong Observatory Station.  Moreover, the data of rainfall and air pressure would be extracted from King¡¦s Park Station. 


3.6.17         For marine water quality monitoring, tidal information would be referred to tide gauge at Tai Miu Wan.


3.7                   Determination of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels

3.7.1             The baseline results form the basis for determining the environmental acceptance criteria for the impact monitoring.  A summary of the Action/Limit (A/L) Levels for air quality, construction noise and water quality are shown in Tables 3-10, 3-11 and 3-12 respectively.


Table 3-10    Action & Limit Levels of Air Quality (1-Hour & 24-Hr TSP)

Monitoring Station

Action Level (mg /m3)

Limit Level (mg/m3)

1-Hour TSP

24-Hr TSP

1-Hour TSP

24-Hr TSP











Note:     1-Hour & 24-Hr TSP of Action Level = (Average Baseline Results ¡Ñ 1.3 + Limit level)/2



Table 3-11    Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise, dB(A)

Monitoring Location

Action Level

Limit Level



Time Period: 0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays (Leq30min)

When one or more documented complaints are received

75 dB(A)

Time Period: 1900-2300 hours on all days (Leq15min)

When one or more documented complaints are received

55 dB(A)


1.           Construction noise monitoring will be resumed at the designated locations CNMS-2, CNMS-3 and CNMS4 once they are available and permission are granted;

2.           The designated locations CNMS-2 and CNMS-3 are located at residential building which are still under construction, Limit Level of 75dB(A) will be adopted until they are occupied;

3.           The designated location CNMS-4 is located at planned school and still not yet to construction.  When the school occupied and operated, Limit Level of 70dB(A) should be adopted and should be reduced to 65dB(A) during examination period; and

4.           If construction works are required during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the construction noise permit issued by the Noise Control Authority shall be followed.


Table 3-12    Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality

Monitoring Station

Depth Average of SS (mg/L)

Action Level

Limit Level



OR 120% of upstream control station at the same tide of the same day

(Control Station C3 at Ebb tide and Control Station C4 at Flood tide), whichever is higher


OR 130% of upstream control station at the same tide of the same day

(Control Station C3 at Ebb tide and Control Station C4 at Flood tide) , whichever is higher














8 mg/L

10 mg/L


Monitoring Location

Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

Depth Average of Surface and Mid-depth


Action Level

Limit Level

Action Level

Limit Level
































Monitoring Location

Depth Average of Turbidity (NTU)

Action Level

Limit Level



OR 120% of upstream control station at the same tide of the same day

(Control Station C3 at Ebb tide and Control Station C4 at Flood tide) , whichever is higher


OR 130% of upstream control station at the same tide of the same day

(Control Station C3 at Ebb tide and Control Station C4 at Flood tide) , whichever is higher

















3.7.2             Should non-compliance of the environmental quality criteria occurs, remedial actions will be triggered according to the Event and Action Plan which presented in Appendix E.


3.8                   Data Management and Data QA/QC Control

3.8.1             All monitoring data will be handled by the ET¡¦s in-house data recording and management system.  The monitoring data recorded in the equipment will be downloaded directly from the equipment at the end of each monitoring day.  The downloaded monitoring data will input into a computerized database properly maintained by the ET.  The laboratory results will be input directly into the computerized database and checked by personnel other than those who input the data.


3.8.2             For monitoring parameters that require laboratory analysis, the local laboratory shall follow the QA/QC requirements as set out under the HOKLAS scheme for the relevant laboratory tests.

4.           Air Quality Monitoring

4.1                   General

4.1.1             In the Reporting Period, 1-Hour TSP and 24-Hr TSP of air quality monitoring were respectively performed at interim alternative monitoring locations AM4 and AM5.  The air quality monitoring schedule is presented in Appendix F.


4.1.2             Valid calibration certificates of monitoring equipment are shown in Appendix G and the monitoring results are summarized in the following sub-sections


4.2                   Results of Air Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Month

4.2.1             During the Reporting Period, 18 sessions of 1-hour TSP and 5 sessions of 24-hours TSP monitoring were carried out and the monitoring results are summarized in Table 4-1.  The detailed 24-hour TSP monitoring data are presented in Appendix H and the relevant graphical plots are shown in Appendix I.

Table 4-1      1-Hour and 24-Hour TSP Air Quality Impact Monitoring Results



24-Hr TSP (mg/m3)

1-Hour TSP (mg/m3)


Meas. Result


Start Time

1st Meas.

2nd Meas.

3rd Meas.
